Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dr. Snow Offers Tips On Having a Pleasant Visit to the Orthodontist

Some people talk about difficult dental appointments, and we do everything at Snow Orthodontics to make sure you aren't one of those people! Here are some helpful tips for reducing any discomfort so you leave our office smiling as big as you can.

It is best to chew sugarless gum for about ten minutes after each appointment to reduce the discomfort. Chewing will lessen the tension on the tiny fibers around each tooth. It is the stretching of those fibers that cause the discomfort after each appointment.

Along the lines of chewing sugarless gum... There has recently been a massive amount of research showing that chewing gum with Xylitol will reduce decay significantly. Xylitol kills the germs that cause decay while sugar feeds those germs. Soldiers in Iraq chew the gum after every meal to reduce decay.

After each appointment taking Tylenol helps.
Taking Aspirin or Advil slows down the movement of teeth because they are anti inflammatory. They stop the tooth moving through bone. Tylenol should be taken before the discomfort is felt in order to experience the best benefit.

Hope these help!

From Dr. Snow

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